A Whole New Mind--How Viewing Will Save the U.S. Economy

The Mental Skills Strengthened by Remote Viewing Are The Same Ones
That Create New Products and Services.

Right brain

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I recently wrote a piece on my blog about Daniel Pink's wonderfully insightful book A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Economy that explains in detail why whole-brain thinking is desperately needed to move our economy forward. While left-brain logical, linear thinking has served us well in the past, Pink shows us it's limitations. This type of work can easily be done by computer or outsourced to low-wage paying countries which is contributing to our current economic malaise. To remedy this situation, we need to increase and enhance our creative and holistic thinking skills so as to be more like designers and less like engineers. Our educational system needs to train us for right-brain holistic thinking in addition to left-brain logical analysis.

Left-brain training has done a great job of teaching us to be logic, sequential, and analytical: these are precisely the humans work skills that are in less demand now thanks in part to a combination information technology and outsourcing. Jobs like accounting, tax preparation, legal work, tech support, software coding, and many others can now be automated or sent to low-paying jobs overseas.

However, right-brained skills, on the other hand, are based on holistic thinking, design, intuition, and empathy. An example of this type of work, given by Pink, is the new, wide range of designer goods like the Michael Graves line of accessories sold in stores like Target. Gone are the days when consumers will settle for just any old toaster, surge protector, or toilet bowl brush. Consumers want high-end style and good design. And design is not something that can easily be outsourced because it is based on feeling, empathy, visual communications, and our deep subconscious needs to be accepted and liked by other people. Someone earning a minimum wage in a developing country like Indonesia or China doesn't know how to do that for consumers in the United States as well as a graduate of Cooper Union Schools of Art or Architecture in lower Manhattan.

This isn't some sort of wishful, myopic, new-age thinking. Pink shows that the most in-demand professions are now all related to creative design fields. In fact, there is more demand for graduates from art schools than MBAs from well-known business schools. Most high-priced products now need a healthy dose of unique, fresh design ideas. Similarly, remote viewing, as described elsewhere on this site shows us that the right-brain is capable of complex, non-linear perspectives that the left-brain mind can barely comprehend and wasn't designed for.

In their ground-breaking book, Executive ESP, published in 1974 professors Mihalasky and Dean showed that CEOs who score higher on ESP tests also ran more successful companies. This is also more evidence of the importance of intuition and creative thinking in creating economic growth.

Right-brain thinking is holistic in that it sees a whole picture rather than just pieces. It's synthetic in that the right-brain can intuitively and accurately draw conclusions without complete information. In this way, the right-brain is involved in complex thinking that is capable of dealing with ambiguous situations where variables are changing rapidly or unpredictably.

This last point is illustrated in Malcolm Gladwell's Blink, especially in his discussion of how novel, out-of-the-box thinking caught the Pentagon off guard in it's war-gaming simulations that they do in a special facility in Virginia. In a mock battle, the conventional strategies lost so badly to the new, creative ones, that the war-game administrators had to put new restrictions on the strategies that could be used by the simulated opposing forces.

Viewing encourages unconventional, holistic thinking and perceiving that comes straight out of the right brain. Viewers learn to encourage rather than suppress creative thought by intentionally opening the aperature of their conscious and subconscious perceptions. They are taught not to edit their thinking but rather to describe their perceptions with as much detail as possible: the exact opposite of the narrow type of linear, mechanistic thinking taught to us in most modern-day educational institutions. Ultimately, this right-brain type of thinking is simply more creative and innovative. It creates a resonance between the person and the thing or event they are focussed on.

For examples, look at the success of Google's "20 percent time" where employees are encouraged to spend of one-fifth of their work time, one day a week, on projects of their own choosing. Some of Google's best known applications like Gmail, Picassa, Google Reader, Google News, and Google Maps came out of this program.

The skills strengthened by the practice of viewing are exactly the same as those Pink describes. It's just that with viewing, they are applied in a more novel way: one that is geared towards acquiring non-local information rather than that from our physical senses. Many of the mind skills involved, though, are the same. Therefore, we need to take a fresh look at those skills labeled as "psychic" and "paranormal" to see whether they really are so esoteric after all. Perhaps we've just decided to ignore this type of fuzzy thinking in favor of precise analysis and linear logic, despite their drawbacks. At the end of the day, our economy might just depend on using our whole mind.


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